Expert manufacturers since 1964

We are proud of our long-standing reputation for engineering and manufacturing excellence. From day one we have been a pioneering force in the industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and providing high quality manufacturing solutions that cater to the diverse needs of our customers.

How we do it

Today we specialise solely in waste & recycling solutions that drive operational efficiency, sustainability, and profitability for our clients.


Our manufacturing facilities are truly cutting-edge. We have made a sincere commitment to excellence, and this is reflected in the state-of-the-art machinery and technology that we have invested in. With a sprawling expanse of 2,000sqm, our facilities are equipped to deliver products that are of exceptional precision and efficiency.


At Pioneer we take huge pride in our design competency. Our in-house team is dedicated to creating innovative and functional bins that meet the specific needs of our clients. We are also equipped to take on custom projects that require a unique build of our high-quality steel bins. With our expertise in design and manufacturing, you can trust that your bins will be both practical and aesthetically pleasing.


Our engineering department takes pride of place in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. Our experienced team is equipped with superior machinery for cutting, folding, grinding, and welding steel. They also have a full assembly workshop to weld the bins together then later blast and paint them according to our customers' specific choice of colour. We are confident that this ensures our bins are of the highest quality and meet the specific needs of our clients.


Our team of experts has been with us for an average of 10 years, and they are incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to crafting steel bins. Their expertise and experience ensure that each bin is created with precision and skill. We are proud to work with such talented individuals who are dedicated to their craft.

Customer satisfaction

We take customer satisfaction seriously and are committed to providing the highest quality service possible. Our location is easily accessible, and we have a wide range of products and parts readily available to address any issues our customers may encounter. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to excellence and takes pride in producing products that are precise and of the highest quality.

Product innovation

As technology evolves, so do we. We continually invest in the latest manufacturing technologies, such as CNC, and automation, to stay ahead of the curve. Our commitment to innovation enhances our efficiency and enables us to tackle even the most complex of manufacturing challenges.

A 60+ year history

Pioneer began as a general engineering business repairing farm equipment way back in 1964 and we have continued to evolve since then. While steel manufacturing remains at the heart of what we do, our engineering skills are now focussed on supplying the country with innovative waste management solutions.

Pioneer leadership team standing in office

An expert team

Our industry-leading knowledge and decades of collective experience allows us to solve even the most complex waste challenges. We are a values-based business and place both our personal and company values central to everything we do.

Through education, training and processes, we're committed to creating a healthy and safe workplace, and proudly have a zero accident record.